..beautiful monster..

As I mentioned before in one of my posts, Yellowstone is my  favourite volcano. Actually it is a supervolcano or in other words Yellowstone Caldera.

“A thousand Yellowstone wonders are calling, ‘Look up and down and round about you!'” John Muir – 1898

I felt in love with Yellowstone after I watched the “2012” film. Roland  Emmerich has created scenes of mass destruction previously in films such as The Day After Tomorrow,which took its cues from the at-the-time growing awareness about climate change. For 2012 Emmerich has taken the theory that the world will face a global cataclysmic disaster towards the end of 2012. The theory is based on a generally discredited interpretation of the Mayan calendar but it is nevertheless a great excuse to provide audiences with a visual orgy of utter destruction. There’s a scientific explanation provided in 2012 about what is happening but all you really need to know is that a whole bunch of earthquakes, volcanos and tsunamis are coming to seriously ruin Christmas.


Laura Wilson (Thandie Newton), Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor) and Carl Anheuser (Oliver Platt)

Watching the video we can admire a beautiful volcano Yellowstone- in all its glory!
For those who haven’t seen 2012 yet – do it !!

Why so unique?

About two weeks ago, I found an intereting website about Yellowstone Observatory when one can find a lot of interesting facts and data about the volcano and also some information for tourists.
It is little known that lying underneath one of the USA largest and most picturesque National Parks- Yellowstone Park- is one of the largest ” super volcanoes” in the world. Each year, millions of visitors come to admire the hot springs and geysers of Yellowstone, the Nation’s first national park. Few are aware that these wonders are fueled by heat from a large reservoir of partially molten rock (magma), just a few miles beneath their feet. As this magma-which drives one of the world’s largest volcanic systems-rises, it pushes up the Earth’s crust beneath the Yellowstone Plateau.


Scientists have revealed that Yellowstone Park has been on a regular eruption cycle of 600,000 years. The last eruption was 640,000 years ago�so the next is overdue. Somebodz maz saz that it is not dangerous now..
But scientists also noted that The next eruption could be 2,500 times the size of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption.!! Volcanologists have been tracking the movement of magma under the park and have calculated that in parts of Yellowstone the ground has risen over seventy centimeters this century. This fact undoubtedly stirs people’ emotions..!!
Let’s have a look at one of the possible scenarios, what would happen if the volcano errupted…
YELLOWSTONE SPECIAL ALERT – 01.23.2010 – USGS reports well over a thousand earthquakes within the last 7 days, four of which rattled Yellowstone National Park.

It seems REALLY dangerous and moreover,what is also very sad, nobody is going to tell people everything about Yellowstone. I am pretty sure that either the government or volcanologists simply don’t want to scare people, they don’t want civil unrest. A good learning tool is watch the 2 hour movie on the discovery channel called Yellowstone Supervolcano, I think one can watch it somewhere on the internet, but otherwise its on disc through the dicovery channel or the history channel.


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